5 Solutions To Fix Hulu Error Code DRMCDM78

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If you’re having trouble watching your favorite shows on Hulu, there are a few solutions that may help. Learn the best ways to fix this error code and watch your show!

The “hulu error p-dev320” is a problem that many people have been experiencing. There are 5 solutions to fix the issue.

5 Solutions To Fix Hulu Error Code DRMCDM78

Hulu users often report seeing the Hulu Error Code DRMCDM78 when watching videos on their computers.

Hulu is a worldwide on-demand service that lets you watch movies and TV series from all around the world. Naturally, Hulu’s servers are busy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, you’ll need a suitable gadget with up-to-date software to use Hulu and watch internet movies.

The Hulu Error Code DRMCDM78 is most likely caused by a browser malfunction or obsolete software on your system. This error code has been reported by Mac, Linux, and even Windows users when streaming movies online.

“Error playing video,” says the error notice. Right now, we’re having difficulties playing this video. If the issue continues, consider restarting your device,” the error code always says.

What Causes the Hulu Error Code DRMCDM78?

The Hulu Error Code DRMCDM78 might be caused by one of four things.

1. Hulu Server Issues: When Hulu has a server difficulty, the DRMCDM error code might appear while online streaming or when loading a video. You will have no influence over the server problem if it is caused by Hulu. All you can do now is wait for Hulu to fix the problem.

2. Outdated Browser: Using an outdated browser to view the Hulu website will result in error messages. Your browser’s repository will vary from time to time. As a result, after a set period of time, your browser will no longer be able to follow Hulu’s streaming protocols. The DRMCDM78 error code may be fixed by updating your browser to the current version.

3. Damaged Cache Data: Do you have any corrupted temp files on your internet browser? Hulu Error Code DRMCDM78 is triggered when corrupted data interacts with your browser cache, causing your online streaming experience to suffer. To delete all damaged data, clear the cache of your browser after a specified amount of time has passed.

4. IP/TCP issue: If the IP or TCP values on your PC are inconsistent, you’ll have trouble connecting to the internet. The weak internet connection will, of course, obstruct Hulu’s ability to get material from its servers. As a result, the error message activates your system.

Hulu Error Code DRMCDM78: 5 Solutions

You may use these four solutions to address the four distinct causes of Hulu Error Code DRMCDM78 now that you know what they are.

Solution 1: Check the Hulu Server Status


Are you having trouble with Hulu Error Code DRMCDM78?

Do you want to be sure it’s a server problem? Check for Outage Report, IsITDownRightNow, or Down Detector on social media sites or on the Hulu website.

downdetector.com has a 24-hour report.

If other people in your location are experiencing similar issues, it is very certainly a server issue, and there isn’t much you can do about it.

You’ll have to wait for Hulu to fix the server issue. You may contact Hulu’s official support staff for help.

Solution 2: Make sure your browser is up to date.


You must be careful while updating your browser on your computer. Checking for app updates via the PlayStore is similar.

Either adjust your browser settings to automatically update to the current version, or keep track of the latest version and manually download the update.

Hulu Error Code DRMCDM78 is easily caused by an outdated browser. Whether you get an issue when watching a movie online, try updating your browser and verify if the problem still exists.

All browser-specific issues and glitches are generally fixed by updating the browser.

What is the best way to update your browser?

How to Update Google Chrome on a Mac and a PC:

  • To upgrade Google Chrome, go to Settings > About Google Chrome > About Google Chrome > About Google Chrome > About Google
  • Copy and paste the following URL into the search box of your Chrome browser: chrome:/settings/help.
  • After open “About Chrome” If updates are available, it will start downloading automatically > After a complete update click on Relaunch.

5-Solutions-To-Fix-Hulu-Error-Code-DRMCDM78WhatIsMyBrowser.com is the source of this information.

  • Attempt to stream the video using Hulu.

On Linux, updating Google Chrome is simple.

  • Launch the Terminal > Type “sudo apt-get update”> Press “Enter”
  • To confirm a prompt message, press “Y.”
  • Type or copy & paste the command “sudo apt-get –only-upgrade install google-chrome-stable” > Press “Enter”
  • Launch Google Chrome once installed to the latest version > Open Hulu and stream.

On both Mac and Windows, you may update Mozilla Firefox.

  • Launch Mozilla Firefox browser > Click on the “Hamburger button” icon or the action button on the right upper side of the browser.
  • Select “About Firefox” > Let the browser search for updates automatically.
  • If the search result indicates available updates, click “Restart to update Firefox.”
  • To confirm and begin the upgrade process, choose “Yes.”
  • Once updated, relaunch the Firefox browser > Open Hulu and check for error messages.

On Linux, you may update Mozilla Firefox by following these steps.

  • Launch Terminal (For Debian/Ubuntu Linux) > Type “$ sudo apt=get update” > Press Enter.
  • Type “$ sudo apt-get install firefox” > Press “Enter”.
  • To confirm, hit “Y” when requested.
  • Launch Firefox when done > Open Hulu and check for error

If you’re running CentOS, Redhat, or Fedora, you’ll need to use the GUI or YUM tool to update your browser—the instructions are below.

  • Launch Linux Terminal > Type “# yum update” > Press “Enter”.
  • Type “# yum update firefox” > Press Enter.

Solution 3: Delete the Browser’s Cache


The technique for clearing the cache differs depending on the browser you use to watch Hulu. Users of Google Chrome may remove cache memory by following the procedures below:

  • Open your Google Chrome browser >Press Ctrl + Shift + Delete.
  • Select “Time Range” > Choose “All Time”
  • Tap and check all options > Click on “Clear Data.”


Clearing cache memory in other browsers works in a similar way to clearing cache memory in Google Chrome.

If your device isn’t mentioned, learn how to erase cache and data on Hulu for other devices.

Reset or restart your router as a last resort.


One of the most common causes of Hulu Error Code DRMCDM78 is a bad Internet connection. The problem may be resolved by restarting your router.

  • Press the On-Off button on the back of your router > Turn it to cut off power.
  • Unplug the router power cable from the power outlet source > Leave it for 30 seconds.
  • Reconnect the power cable > Restore power on the router > Press the Power on-off button to “On” mode and restart the router.


If rebooting your router does not solve the Hulu problem, you may try resetting it. Resetting your router, however, can mess up your network settings, including forwarded ports, restricted connections, and whitelisted devices.

If you want to reset your router, follow these instructions:

  • On the back of your router, look for the “Reset” button. It will be hidden within the casing, since manufacturers hide it to avoid accidental push.

MobileReset99 is the source of this information.

  • Open the back of your router with a screwdriver > Locate the “Reset” button > Press the button and hold for 10 seconds or until all the LED lights on your router start flashing.

If your router’s Internet service provider utilizes PPPoE, or Point to Point Protocol over the Internet, you’ll need to re-enter all of your ISP’s credentials.

Upon successful completion of the operation, your ISP will demand you for credentials in order to restore your internet connection.

Solution 5: Get in touch with Hulu’s customer service team.


Connecting with Hulu’s online chat assistance is probably the quickest approach to figure out what’s causing the issue and how to fix it.

You’ll need all of your account-related information to complete it. The subscriber or device-specific solution will only be known by the Hulu staff.

Visit: https://help.hulu.com/s/article/how-to-contact-Hulu?language=en US



Contact Hulu directly at https://twitter.com/hulu Simply tweet your issue, and our support staff will respond quickly with a solution to the Hulu error you’re experiencing.



Here’s where you can ask questions, get answers, and get helpful hints about Hulu: https://community.hulu.com/s/questions


It’s easy to fix Hulu Error Code DRMCDM78. The inaccuracy may be attributed to four key causes. The error notice will be gone in no time if you understand the remedies to each of the four troublesome causes.

Also, here’s how to fix other Hulu issues:

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Vaibhav is a VPN expert with a passion for online security and privacy. He helps individuals and businesses protect their sensitive information and navigate the complex world of VPNs.